
Numbers: A Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this examination of Numbers, Martin Noth explores the community of the twelve tribes, the organization of the Levites, various divine ordinances, and other important themes in the book of Numbers. Also included is an appendix on daughters’ rights of inheritance.

again and again by the communication of more or less comprehensive regulations and lists which are only loosely linked to the narrative thread by the short, stereotyped introductory formula, ‘Yahweh said to Moses’ (‘in the wilderness of Sinai’ or ‘in the plains of Moab’). The course of the narrative is as follows. At the beginning of the book Israel is ‘in the wilderness of Sinai’ (1:1), that is in the vicinity of the mountain of the theophany and the law-giving. 10:11–36 reports the departure from
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